Success Stories

Here's what some of my clients say about my yoga classes in Maidenhead:

Juliet Hartis | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"Before Corinne’s classes I had dipped in and out (mostly!) of yoga over many years but had never managed to commit to regular sessions.  As an osteopath, I know how useful yoga can be to patients in helping managing their pain and mobility, so I felt I should take some of my own advice.  It was great to be able to come along to a free trial session!  I always feel so relaxed and balanced after a class and I know that my previously shallow breathing has become much better controlled."

Juliet Hartis

Jon Hirons | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"I was recommended by my physiotherapist to attend yoga classes after being rehabilitated for a slipped disc. I'm a keen mountain and road biker with a history of injury. The physio treatment had improved the range of motion in my lower back, but bends and lifting could still be very painful. Any bike riding would tend to give me back pain in the days after, so I was nervous to start anything that involved deep stretching. 

I settled on Corinne's classes as the pace and clear breathing instructions suited me. There were always options given to use blocks or bend knees where necessary. 

By far the best result has been having much less back pain. I have to be fairly active for my job, and had been using painkillers most days, but now only need them very occasionally if I've really overdone the training. I now only get back pain if I skip my yoga practice! My strength and pedalling symmetry on the bike has improved remarkably. More stability in my hips, and improved support for my knees means that I no longer get knee pain, and am starting to get back to the strength I had before the slipped disc."

Jon Hirons

Kate Raymen | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"As a busy mum of three I really look forward to my yoga class with Corinne every week. I hadn't practised for a few years and wanted to get back into yoga and have some 'me time'. I found it hard to find a class that matches my ability - either they are too easy or just for serious yogis but Corinne is fantastic at tailoring the class to the ability of everyone present so even if there are beginners mixed with some who might want to push themselves a bit harder then she gets it perfect for everyone. She has even given me individual support to help my body recover from having my baby.

I'm seeing some great improvements in my muscle tone and strength and after every class I go home feeling totally relaxed, happy that I've managed to fit some exercise into my week and ready to be mum again!"

Kate Raymen

Paul Hetherton | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"Regular training in all three triathlon disciplines frequently leaves me with sore and tight muscles and constant fatigue. Corinne’s yoga classes are a tangible shift from the high intensity training I do the rest of the time and have helped me to stay injury free through improved flexibility and releasing tight and niggly muscle groups. The fluidity and rhythm of the movements, the focus on breathing and being 'centred in the moment' all contribute to the sessions being revitalising and restorative. By continuing to practice some of the moves between classes I have seen real improvements that I feel have contributed positively to my athletic performance."

Paul Hetherton

"I turned 40 at the end of 2016 and before starting yoga classes with Corinne in January I was beginning to feel old before my time, unfit and unfocused. I was smoking too much, struggling to shake-off a chest infection and allowing my stressful work life to get me down – I needed some positive “Me time”

My only reservation was that I’d standout as the newbie and look comparably ridiculous not knowing any of the moves. No need; Corinne’s classes have an absolutely lovely welcoming atmosphere with step-by-step instruction and support even when you forget your left and right!!

Cath Carter | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

I genuinely thank yoga for helping me stay off the cigarettes. I quit smoking the week of my complimentary first class. Excited by my improving lung capacity and ability to breathe deeply once again I’ve felt genuine improvement in personal stamina and my ability to breathe, focus and calm myself down in stressful work-life situations; I find I am able to “step-away” in a manner lost to me for a long while. 

Attending classes has been a really rewarding process; rather proud of my now twice-weekly commitment and seeing gradual improvement in my ability, genuinely devastated when something stops me making it to class. It has been a long time since I’ve done anything like this for myself on a regular basis for a very long time and the feeling at the end of a successful session can be euphoric. Onwards and upwards."

Kath Carter

Rachel Otter | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

“I have been attending Corrine’s lunchtime yoga class regularly for about 2 years. I started after I returned to work following 9 months maternity leave. I’ve had 3 kids and I know that keeping healthy and losing weight is especially difficult when you return to work – you have little or no time for yourself and most of the day is spent at a desk, rather than running about after kids. I wanted to maintain being as active as possible, despite thinking that yoga probably wasn’t for me.

I’m strong, but not that flexible, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do most of the positions and I’d be left watching other people rather than taking part. I also wanted to exercise, I wasn’t sure that I’d burn enough calories doing yoga.

I love going and look forward to Tuesday lunchtimes. It is like anything, it gets easier with practice. Corinne is very patient and manages a class with mixed ability and experience effortlessly. I always feel better after the class, more relaxed and focused. I don’t sweat as much as I do at the gym, but I burn enough calories and always feel I have done something! Corinne is good at revisiting the more challenging moves and when you come back to them and get (slightly) better I feel a sense of achievement!

I can see some really tangible benefits - I am a lot more flexible, and strong. I also find that the relaxation I get in the class helps my week; I look forward to the class and the feeling I get after it. It is a very small part of my week where Corinne helps me to focus, but I think it makes a big difference to how I feel all week long.”  

Rachel Otter

Phil Bellamy | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

 “The first few classes I attended made me realise how inflexible my body had got.  Although it was quite hard at times, I would leave the class feeling much ‘looser’ and more relaxed.  Slowly, over the months I noticed small changes happening – my balance improved, as my ankles and core strength got better, and the stiffness decreased considerably. 

Finally, after about a year of yoga, I was able to touch my toes for the first time in about 20 years! Overall, being much fitter and more flexible makes every part of life (especially being a parent) much easier to handle.  I will never stop! So, thank you.  The classes you teach do make life better.”

Phil Belamy

“Because I have noticed the difference in my fitness, flexibility and strength and the great affect it has had on my back, the process has been great. My flexibility has hugely improved, which really helps. 

I always rave to everyone about how much the classes have helped with my back, and because I have seen the improvement it’s a real motivation to keep going.” 

Tina Clareli

Tina Clareli | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

Fiona Fraser | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

 “Corinne is great at explaining how to execute the movements and helps you to understand their impact on your body overall; something I find particularly helpful. Corinne is also able to adapt a class to different levels of ability, meaning whoever attends is challenged to a level they are comfortable with. 

I gain a great deal from the meditative aspects of the classes, helping me to feel less stressed, calmer and more in control. It has become a way of life for me and something I will also continue with as long as I can.“ 

Fiona Fraser

"My reservations before restarting yoga included worrying that I wouldn’t have the fitness or stamina to keep up; I had been told that your classes were quite challenging! However, attending your classes has been thoroughly enjoyable, as it has built confidence in my yoga practice. It has also improved my strength and stamina in general and has complemented a fitness regime.

One of the best results has been feeling comfortable and confident enough to practice yoga outside of class. I find the primary benefits of practicing yoga are emotional and mental calmness. If I’m feeling a bit (or a lot) stressed, I know I can come to yoga class to help clear my head, even if it is only for that hour. Additionally the breathing techniques can be useful off the mat to reduce stress and help me feel a bit more in control." 

Rosie Giles

Rosie Giles | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

Christina Lamb | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

“Before I started attending Corinne's class, I was beginning to recover from a long period of stress. I had had many symptoms and had grown to feel disconnected from my body as a result. I had always wanted to try Yoga and to help myself start to feel enthused about trying new things again I chose to try Yoga. Corinne's Hot Flow Yoga seemed to offer exactly what I needed. 

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to progress and I would feel disappointed. However… I could feel a benefit in three weeks! I could feel muscles toning and it felt great. I found the pace and tone of the class allowed me to feel calm and focused which let my mind focus but also enabled me to push myself physically. 

I have attended Corinne's class for two years and I have never stopped feeling that I am progressing. The benefit to my life has been huge - I feel strong, connected with my body, I sleep better and my body is toned and feels more youthful. I have gained confidence. Before I started Corinne's class I was feeling that stress had aged me! However, I feel in control of my body again and feel strong and toned. The benefit has been huge.”

Christine Lamb

Liz Henderson | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"I already have gym membership and do a variety of classes there but I was looking for some yoga / pilates based exercise to help strengthen my back and improve flexibility.  Corinne’s classes provide just that and are a welcome relief from sitting at a desk all day. I do like the fact that Corinne builds up to each move and allows you to work at different levels depending on your capabilities or how you are feeling that day. 

The classes are at lunchtime and always start on time so that people can fit them into their lunchtime break. There are a good variety of exercises and Corinne changes the moves each week to avoid too much repetition but always with the emphasis on a whole body workout.

I have experienced a definite increase in flexibility and core strength.  I also used to regularly attend physio and massage therapy sessions for my back but now my back feels much stronger and more flexible. I also like what the classes do for the mind and find them a great stress reliever. Corinne’s style is very calming."

Liz Henderson 

Lynn Hamer | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"I thoroughly enjoy your classes; you always give options for different levels and I feel many benefits by regularly attending your classes. My balance has improved and my core strength has increased rapidly. The classes also help me get through Friday afternoons in the office having taken this time out!" 

Lynn Hamer

Debbie Tweedale | Testimony | Curiously Calm Yoga

"Before starting yoga classes, I would often suffer from stiff and painful back and hips and required regular chiropractic treatments to manage the pain. Very soon after starting to attend classes regularly I no longer required treatments to manage neither the pain nor stiffness. 

As I would often feel so stiff, I didn’t think that I would be able to manage the poses, however as you are so good at guiding us through the poses and always give us alternatives, to either simplify or extend, I have learnt that “ being able to do” yoga is a process and that with your teaching I, hopefully, manage my potential every class.

Before starting yoga classes, I was concerned about the spiritual aspect of yoga. I have realised, as with the poses, you can adapt the spiritual aspect to your own personal needs.

I have tried, and enjoyed, many types of exercise classes in my time and had always thought that yoga would not be able to help me keep fit, however I have never felt so fit, strong and flexible…. with hopefully more to come! I am now pain free and with no need to see the chiropractor and I am experiencing the benefits of learning to calm my mind. I feel lighter, energised and more focused."

Debbie Tweedale

"The process of attending Corinne’s classes has been very positive. I very much enjoy the classes and find Corinne to be a knowledgeable teacher. The best results are improved flexibility and core strength that are very beneficial to many other areas of my life."

Simon Cox